Thursday, January 24, 2013

Snow Days

When I was in elementary school I used to hope for snow days, as did every other kid in school.  Once Middle school began I only hoped for snow days when we didn't have a basketball game.  High School was pretty much the same story with the addition of hoping to get a snow storm the night before a big report or presentation was do.  Pretty normal stuff if you ask me.

In the six years I spent in college,  I had two days where snow canceled classes.  Unfortunately for me both days I was able to walk all the way to class, just in time to see the note that class was canceled. I had my classes set-up so it didn't make any sense to turn around and go back home.  So I would just go and find a cozy spot to sit down and surf the internet.  Which in hindsight was no different then if I would have stayed home, or actually had class that day.  Long story short, I loved college. 

Now I'm "grown-up" and I think my job is pretty awesome.  I don't work a normal 9-5 but my base hours are still set.  The best part about it is that every other week I have a 3-day weekend.    Another nice thing is that I get day's off during the normal work week, which allows me to do things that many people complain about,  like running to the bank.   

Naturally, I don't need to run to the bank everyday and often find myself without anything to do of major importance.  This is one of the down falls to my job because now on my days off I may not have anyone to hang out with.  

So what do I do on my day's when I have nothing to do?


  1. Where is the bacon? !

  2. Yeah... what about bacon?? I bought some today again :) 6 lbs should be enough for your visit - right?

    Your post makes me try to remember what I used to do with my time before having kids... I don't remember. Probably nothing productive. If you ever need a project to fill your time, let me know and I will share something off my list :) Speaking of lists... I need to work on that book again. How is yours coming along?
