Sunday, January 20, 2013

Championship Sunday Update

Just because I know everyone cares about my weekend...

I actually had a really good weekend.  I spent some time with my family and friends.  I'd go into more details, but I'm guessing that it would be pretty boring to anyone who wasn't there, and probably more boring to the actual people that were involved.  Oh Well,  thanks to Cory and Mollie for letting me stay at your place and keeping me company.

I guess the 49er's won the game earlier today and I'm still holding out hope that Tom Brady's leg explodes in the evening game.  To say the least I am not a fan of  Brady's.   I think it is because he represents a new age of sports, where it isn't enough to be good at what you do, but you also have to look good while you do it.   Tommy Terrific,  has an insane amount of money, a super-model S.O. and he just keeps turning out ad's that make him look like a dick.
Payton Manning on the other hand, just makes funny commercials, and focuses on the game.  Oh yeah and his wife if pretty hot as well.  I guess I just thank Payton is a little bit more classy than Brady is and that Is why I will always think that Manning is a better Player.

In other news,  I am very excited to be going on a trip soon.  What Am I going to ask well that is simple,  I'm going to the Nation's Railroad Capital.  While I am not a rail enthusiast,  I am very excited to go visit my sister,  who as far as I know is also not a rail enthusiast.  More on this to come in future posts.

Well that's about all I have to right now,  go Ravens, and hope all is well for you!!

Oh yeah here is some BaconFun!


  1. See... you should totally become a Broncos fan with me! So excited for you to get here!!! Sad thought... two weeks at this time and you will already be back to MN :(

  2. Oh, yeah... we stocked up on some bacon for your visit! :)

  3. Andy, you are more than welcome in our home anytime! We love it when you visit it also keeps us company. Looking forward to your face next month. Stay warm.
