Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Oh Sheet!

Online Shopping, It's like ordering something from the Kool-Aid catalog when you were a kid,  except you don't have to wait 6 months to get your prize. 

Purchasing items online has become somewhat of a hobby for me.  Some people would be so inclined to say that I have early stages of a dependency or an addiction.   Those people  probably wouldn't be wrong. I even have my own set of rationalizations that make me feel like it's okay to shop on line the way I do. 

For example,  a couple of months ago I found a great deal on woot.com for a shower head.  I weighed the pros and cons and decided to pull the trigger and make the purchase.  Looking back I don't regret the purchase at all.  Sure I live in an apartment and it would be silly to switch out shower heads, that doesn't mean it wont happen...maybe.

Besides the plumbing purchase I have bought,  a pair of sleeping bags, 2 tablets, a fan, a couple of different shirts, a roomba, and a A flying pig.  Possibly the coolest thing I ever purchased though were these little peices of bacon heaven.

Then there is Groupon.  My first Groupon purchase was a $15 e-bay gift certificate.  I didn't use it for almost two years, but damn it was nice having it, just in case.   I have bought a couple of sets of sheets from Groupon and now I am proud to say that I own four sets of sheets for my super awesome bed ( I also bought a set through Google offers).

My amazon prime membership is probably the must useful service that I subscribe to.  I think it renews every year in February and I think it usually has it's self paid for with the free shipping i get in about two months or less.

Well That's all I have for now,  Upcoming posts will include a story about the time I bought My bed, and a Super Bowl preview/prediction column.

Opps I almost forgot!  BACON!!!!



  1. Oh, I can't wait for the bed story...that will be a good one. Also, than ks again for those sheets. They are amazing...I hope you finally got yours.
    You know who this is...

  2. I want sheets! Is that what you were going to get me for Christmas that you ended up having to cancel? I'm hungry for bacon now - get here so we can have baconfest 2013!!
