Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Oh Sheet!

Online Shopping, It's like ordering something from the Kool-Aid catalog when you were a kid,  except you don't have to wait 6 months to get your prize. 

Purchasing items online has become somewhat of a hobby for me.  Some people would be so inclined to say that I have early stages of a dependency or an addiction.   Those people  probably wouldn't be wrong. I even have my own set of rationalizations that make me feel like it's okay to shop on line the way I do. 

For example,  a couple of months ago I found a great deal on woot.com for a shower head.  I weighed the pros and cons and decided to pull the trigger and make the purchase.  Looking back I don't regret the purchase at all.  Sure I live in an apartment and it would be silly to switch out shower heads, that doesn't mean it wont happen...maybe.

Besides the plumbing purchase I have bought,  a pair of sleeping bags, 2 tablets, a fan, a couple of different shirts, a roomba, and a A flying pig.  Possibly the coolest thing I ever purchased though were these little peices of bacon heaven.

Then there is Groupon.  My first Groupon purchase was a $15 e-bay gift certificate.  I didn't use it for almost two years, but damn it was nice having it, just in case.   I have bought a couple of sets of sheets from Groupon and now I am proud to say that I own four sets of sheets for my super awesome bed ( I also bought a set through Google offers).

My amazon prime membership is probably the must useful service that I subscribe to.  I think it renews every year in February and I think it usually has it's self paid for with the free shipping i get in about two months or less.

Well That's all I have for now,  Upcoming posts will include a story about the time I bought My bed, and a Super Bowl preview/prediction column.

Opps I almost forgot!  BACON!!!!


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Snow Days

When I was in elementary school I used to hope for snow days, as did every other kid in school.  Once Middle school began I only hoped for snow days when we didn't have a basketball game.  High School was pretty much the same story with the addition of hoping to get a snow storm the night before a big report or presentation was do.  Pretty normal stuff if you ask me.

In the six years I spent in college,  I had two days where snow canceled classes.  Unfortunately for me both days I was able to walk all the way to class, just in time to see the note that class was canceled. I had my classes set-up so it didn't make any sense to turn around and go back home.  So I would just go and find a cozy spot to sit down and surf the internet.  Which in hindsight was no different then if I would have stayed home, or actually had class that day.  Long story short, I loved college. 

Now I'm "grown-up" and I think my job is pretty awesome.  I don't work a normal 9-5 but my base hours are still set.  The best part about it is that every other week I have a 3-day weekend.    Another nice thing is that I get day's off during the normal work week, which allows me to do things that many people complain about,  like running to the bank.   

Naturally, I don't need to run to the bank everyday and often find myself without anything to do of major importance.  This is one of the down falls to my job because now on my days off I may not have anyone to hang out with.  

So what do I do on my day's when I have nothing to do?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Championship Sunday Update

Just because I know everyone cares about my weekend...

I actually had a really good weekend.  I spent some time with my family and friends.  I'd go into more details, but I'm guessing that it would be pretty boring to anyone who wasn't there, and probably more boring to the actual people that were involved.  Oh Well,  thanks to Cory and Mollie for letting me stay at your place and keeping me company.

I guess the 49er's won the game earlier today and I'm still holding out hope that Tom Brady's leg explodes in the evening game.  To say the least I am not a fan of  Brady's.   I think it is because he represents a new age of sports, where it isn't enough to be good at what you do, but you also have to look good while you do it.   Tommy Terrific,  has an insane amount of money, a super-model S.O. and he just keeps turning out ad's that make him look like a dick.
Payton Manning on the other hand, just makes funny commercials, and focuses on the game.  Oh yeah and his wife if pretty hot as well.  I guess I just thank Payton is a little bit more classy than Brady is and that Is why I will always think that Manning is a better Player.

In other news,  I am very excited to be going on a trip soon.  What Am I going to ask well that is simple,  I'm going to the Nation's Railroad Capital.  While I am not a rail enthusiast,  I am very excited to go visit my sister,  who as far as I know is also not a rail enthusiast.  More on this to come in future posts.

Well that's about all I have to right now,  go Ravens, and hope all is well for you!!

Oh yeah here is some BaconFun!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Its back!!!!

Its back and with more bacon then ever.  Im not even sure what that means at this point but for my one follower im sure this may be the highlight of his day. 
I also hope my sister will take some enjoyment in this as well because after all she is the one who sparked the idea for me to start this up again. 
Anyways,  the current goal of the rebuilt blog is for me to vent out some of my random thought, share some funny pictures,  and of course begin my campaign for president of the USA. 
So feel free to ask questions,  send emails,  and comment away.  Because at this point I dont have a clue when the next post will happen or what it will be about. 
I just hope it has bacon.